Converter Input

Converter Output

Relative time
Epoch Seconds
Epoch Milliseconds
Local Time ( 12H Format )
Local Time ( 24H Format )
GMT Time ( 12H Format )
GMT Time ( 24H Format )
UTC ( ISO 8601 Format )

What is unix epoch time?

Unix epoch time is number of seconds from January 1, 1970 GMT i.e. epoch time 0 represents 1/1/1970 Mid night. The epoch time is generally represented in seconds but there are computer systems now operate at milliseconds ( mostly ) and there are micro and nano seconds which are not so widely used.

Unix Epoch Converter

Currently epoch time in seconds is at 10 digits like `1731515297` and milliseconds at 13 digits like `1731515297798` which are hardly human readable. This epoch converter will take epoch seconds or milli seconds and convert it to local time and GMT time in human readable format. It will display these converted time in both 12 hour and 24 hour format.

Human Timestamp to Epoch Converter

Sometimes we need to convert current time or a specific timestamp to Epoch. This converter accepts timestamp, ISO Date Time as input and generate the epoch time in seconds and milli seconds.

Is it free to use?

100% free for both personal and commercial use. No limits. Nothing.

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